Israel D. Álvarez A. 801
An essay: Can have many purposes, but the basic structure is the same no matter what. You may be writing an essay to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps necessary to complete a task. Either way, your essay will have the same basic format.
Define Your Purpose: The first thing you must do is think about the purpose of the essay you must write. Is your purpose to persuade people to believe as you do, to explain to people how to complete a particular task, to educate people about some person, place, thing or idea, or something else entirely? Whatever topic you choose must fit that purpose.
Organize Your Ideas: The purpose of an outline or diagram is to put your ideas about the topic on paper, in a moderately organized format. The structure you create here may still change before the essay is complete, so don't agonize over this.
The thesis statement: tells the reader what the essay will be about, and what point you, the author, will be making. You know what the essay will be about. That was your topic. Now you must look at your outline or diagram and decide what point you will be making. What do the main ideas and supporting ideas that you listed say about your topic?
Introduction: should be designed to attract the reader's attention and give her an idea of the essay's focus.
Write the Body Paragraphs: Each main idea that you wrote down in your diagram or outline will become one of the body paragraphs. If you had three or four main ideas, you will have three or four body paragraphs.
Write the main points.
Write the subpoints.
Elaborate on the subpoints
The conclusion: brings closure to the reader, summing up your points or providing a final perspective on your topic.
All the conclusion needs is three or four strong sentences which do not need to follow any set formula. Simply review the main points (being careful not to restate them exactly) or briefly describe your feelings about the topic. Even an anecdote can end your essay in a useful way.
Check the order of your paragraphs: Look at your paragraphs. Which one is the strongest? You might want to start with the strongest paragraph, end with the second strongest, and put the weakest in the middle. Whatever order you decide on, be sure it makes sense. If your paper is describing a process, you will probably need to stick to the order in which the steps must be completed.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is 100%.Questions answered correctly first time: 15/15
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<= 15 / 15=>
What is the purpose of the introduction?
? The introduction lets your teacher get to know you better.
? The introduction gives details about all of the points you will make in your essay.
? The introduction restates the assignment exactly as the teacher explained it.
:-) The introduction grabs the reader's attention and sets up the topic.
What is an essay?
? It is a personal letter to a friend or to a relative.
:-) It is a short piece of writing that discusses, describes, or analyzes one topic.
? It is an informal kind of letter that people usually send to the Major to complain about the city situation.
? It is a song.
What is the thesis statement?
? It is the first sentence of the paragraph. It gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to be about.
? It's a general sentence.
? It's the title of the essay.
:-) It's a sentence that contains the main idea of the composition. It identifies the purpose of the paper.
Which of the following is a good example of the thesis statement?
:-) The death penalty should be abolished.
? The Blackfoot tribe tell of the buffalo fall in a myth about a young girl.
? The aborigines in Autralia tear the young boys from their mother to tell them the mythology of the tribe.
? The earliest evidence of anything like myths is connected with graves.
What is the purpose of the title of the essay?
? To show the author's point of view.
? It does not have any connection with the essay.
:-) To indicate what the composition is about. It makes the reader feel interested in the composition.
? To advise the reader not to read the essay.
Where do you have to write the title of the essay? How should it be written?
? In a separate page, and it has to be written as big as possible.
? At the bottom of the page. It has to be written with capital letters including prepositions and articles.
:-) It is written in the upperpart of the page and centered. It has to be written with capital letters except prepositions and articles.
? In the last page, on the left side. It has to be underlined.
What is the purpose of the conclusion?
? To leave at least one issue unresolved, so the reader can continue to think about it.
? To introduce new information.
? To restates the thesis in the exact same words.
:-) To tie together all of the main points of the essay.
Transitions help the essay's:
? Unity.
:-) Coherence.
? Citations.
? Introduction.
Where do you usually find the thesis statement?
? In the supporting paragraphs.
? At the begining of the introductory paragraph.
:-) At the end of the introductory paragraph.
? At the begining of the concluding paragraph.
How many paragraphs does an essay contains?
? Just 1.
:-) It deppends on the topic.
? More than 5 but less than 20.
? 5.
What is the purpose of a compare/contrast essay?
? To provide details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel, or sounds.
:-) To discuss the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts, places, etc.
? To explain why or how some event happened, and what resulted from the event.
? To persuade the reader to the writer's point of view.
Which transition word can you use to show cause and effect?
? Also
:-) Therefore
? In addition to
? Even though
Which of the following is not a correct function of the thesis statement?
? It states the main idea of the essay.
:-) It asks a question of the reader.
? It indicates the organization of the essay.
? It sets limits on the topic.
When do you have to set the title of the essay?
? At the same time you are writing the conclusion.
? At the same time you are writing the essay.
? Before you start writing the essay.
:-) After you finish the essay.
Which transtion word can you use to add ideas?
:-) In addition to.
? Consequently.
? Thus.
? First.
Essay Lab Activity
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is: 96%.Questions answered correctly first time: 14/15
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<= 15 / 15=>
What does the introductory essay contain?
? the thesis statement at the beginning.
:-) a short information refering to the essay and at the end the thesis stament.
? the author's suggestions.
? the main information about the essay.
what is the Topic Sentence?
:-) it's the most general statement of the paragraph.
? it's the general statement.
X it is the specific statement of the paragraph.
? it is the specific statment.
How many paragraphs can the essay have?
? one paragraph.
? Two paragraphs.
:-) it depends of the point of essay.
? 5 paragraphs.
where is located the Thesis Statement?
:-) At the end of the introductory paragraph, sometimes at the beginning.
? In the conclusion paragraph.
? At the end of the development paragragh, sometimes at the beginning.
? At the beginning of the introductory paragraph.
where does the author give you suggestions?
? In the introductory paragraph.
? At the end of the development paragragh.
? In the development paragragh.
:-) In the Concluding paragragh.
"Also, therefore, so, however, etc" are:
:-) Addition words.
? Comparative words.
? Conditions words.
? Transition words.
Put the correct puntuaction mark in the sentence: "Although Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh clear footprints"
? Although, Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh clear footprints.
? Although Barrymore, did not see any marks upon the ground, around body. Dr. Mortirmer resported, that he observed fresh clear footprints.
:-) Although Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body, Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh, clear footprints.
? Although, Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body. Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh clear footprints.
Where is located the concluding comments?
? At the beginning of the concluding paragraph.
:-) After the concluding sentence of the paragragh.
? In the middle of the concluding paragragh.
? Before you start the conclusion.
This is a tittle: "Smoke is a bad habit". What kind of essay is this?
:-) Persuasive essay.
? Comparative essay.
? Narrative essay.
? Contrasting essay.
An example of Topic Sentence is:
? "Kids are bad boys"
? "The violence has cuases. it offers problems ath home. People have not time for this activity".
? "The television has violence lot"
:-) "The violence on television can affect children's emotional securitive"
"Maracay the Capital of Aragua, but Caracas is the Capital of Venezuela", it's a:
? Simple Sentence.
:-) Compound Sentence.
? Complex Sentence.
? Compund-Complex Sentence
" I don't have enough time". it's an example of:
:-) Simple Sentence.
? Compound Sentence.
? Complex Sentence.
? Compund-Complex Sentence.
An exmaple of Compound-Complex Sentence is:
? You can call me when you want.
? I`ll be there next weekend.
:-) Our job is very necessary, it is important; however, it doesn't let us stay much time at home.
? If you want you may go over there
it's a term used for writing that describes a sequence of actions:
? Definition.
:-) Process.
? Cause and Effect.
? classification.
This kind of paragragh develops a topic by explaining the meaning of a wordor a concept...
X Comparinson and Contrast.
? Process.
:-) Definition.
? Cause and Effect.
A paragraph of definition is an extended definition. it's more extensive than a dictionary denotation.Your score is: 88%.
Your score is 93%.Questions answered correctly first time: 13/15
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<= 15 / 15=>
What does a thesis statement do?
? A thesis statement expresses the author’s opinion
:-) A thesis statement gives outline of what will be discussed in the essay
? A thesis statement gives the background to the essay topic
? A thesis statement explains the topic in more detail
What does an introduction usually contain?
? It gives the author’s opinion and the thesis statement
? It gives the author’s opinion, general background information
:-) It commonly gives background information and the thesis statement although; it can contain other ideas and opinions
? It can talk about anything as long as it has a thesis statement
Where do you usually find the thesis statement?
? It is always the first sentence of the introduction
? It can be in the first body paragraph
:-) It is usually the last sentence of the introduction
? It usually around the middle of the introduction
What is a topic sentence?
? A sentence which lists the examples in a paragraph
? A sentence which further explains the argument of an essay
? A sentence which gives a list of the arguments in a paragraph
:-) A sentence which gives an outline of the context of a paragraph
Which is the largest paragraph of an essay?
? The introductory paragraph
? The concluding paragraph
? All of them
:-) The developmental paragraph
How can you get continuity in the paragraph?
? Using phrasal verbs
:-) Using transition words or transition phrases
? Using questions words
? Using concluding phrases
What does a final thought contain?
? It contains the first part of the concluding paragraph
? It contains a good bye
? It contains a joke
:-) It contains suggestions from the author
What do the parts of a thesis statement consist on?
? The concluding paragraph
? The thought of the author
? The part that contains suggestions of the author
:-) The part that states the topic and the part that state the point of the essay
Can the topic of an essay be a piece of fiction?
X It can be made up by the author
? It can be copied from a newspaper
:-) It must be a real problem
? It has to be taken out from a movie
Is it easy to understand a thesis statement that has several main points of view?
:-) It can be too difficult for the reader to understand and for the writer to support.
? It is easier for the reader to understand and for the writer is difficult to support
? It is very useful in a class
? The reader understand what the author want to express
What are transition words?
? helps to create a new essay
:-) helps the paragraphs connecting to each other
? helps to conclude the essay
? helps to publish the essay
Which of these examples is a topic statement?
? the city hall investments
? the city hall investigations
:-) the city hall has to invest more money in my neighborhood in oreder to solve problems with water supply
? my neighborhood is the best place that I know since I was a child
What is an essay?
:-) It is a little composition about any topic well structured and well presented
? It is a long story about a particular topic
? It is a statemet well done with a lot of arguments
? It is a writing about the author`s life
for this limeted topic selec the item that could sever as a topic sentence. limeted topic: scuba diving
X the excitement of scuba diving
X my childhood fasination with scuba diving
? It is very interesting to experience scaba diving
:-) the spor of scuba diving has always excited me
choose the best linking word for this sentence: he studied hard four years___________he was unable to get a job
? eventually
? finally
:-) however
? perhaps
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is 96%.Questions answered correctly first time: 14/15
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<= 15 / 15 =>
You have learn different ways of introducing a topic in an essay. The purpose of the introductory paragraph is...
? To catch the reader's attention
? To close with a point of view
:-) To introducing the topic, set the background for the topic of the essay and funnel down to your thesis.
? To develop the essay
A body paragraph has the following features:
:-) A Topic sentenceUnityCoherenceCohesionConcluding sentence
? Only two transistors.
? More than 5 coloms
? One complete sentence.
Select the correct type of hook used in this paragraph..."In America today, no population poses a greater threat to public safety than juvenile criminals", says Representative Bill McColum of Florida who i sthe author of a Bill already approved by the House of Representatives that would allow offenders from the age 13 on to be tried as adults in federal courts. In order to adress this increasing threat, juvenile criminals can nolonger be dealth with in the juvenile justice system. Teens who commit serious violence offenses should be tried and sentece as adults in order to protect society, to provide appropiate retribution, and to serve as a deterrent for other teenagers.
? Opening with a question
:-) Opening with a quote (exact words)
? Opening with a starling fact.
? Opening with an emotional or interesting story.
? Opening with a striking image (description)
Select the correct type of hook used in this paragraph...One afternoon, Megan Kanka,a little girl of 7 was riding her bicycle outside her home, when a neighbor asked her if she wanted to meet his new puppy. He then took her into his home, raped her and strangled her with his belt. The man a twice convicted-sex-offender called Jesse Tenmedequas,was sentenced to death in 1997. for gruesome murders like this, death penalty in the only appropiate punishment. Society should continue to apply the ultimate punishment to deal with the most henious crimes.
? Opening with a question
? Opening with a quote (exact words)º
? Opening with a starling fact
:-) Opening with an interesting or emotional story.
? Opening with a striking image (description)
Thesis StatementBlack Soldiers in the Civil WarDuring the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and part of theNineteenth Century the White people of North America used theBlack people of Africa as slaves to benefit their interests. Whitepeople created a climate of superiority of their race over the BlackAfrican race that in some places, still lingers on today. TheAmerican Civil War however, was a key turning point for theBlack African race. Choose the apropiate thesis statement:
:-) Through their actions and the political actionsof President Lincoln and his administration, Black Africans set apresedent for their freedom, equality and liberation.
? This was the official beginning in the progression of the BlackMan to becoming a soldier in the Civil War.
? This alone played a huge factor in thesuccess of the Union Armies.
Slavery and the Underground RailroadI know you're wondering, what railroad? Well the simple fact is that everybody has heard of the Underground Railroad, but not everyone knows just what it was. Firstly, it wasn't underground, and it wasn't even a railroad. The term "Underground Railroad" actually comes from a runaway slave, who while being chased swam across a creek and was out of the owner's sight. The owner said "...must have gone off on an underground railroad." That man was Tice Davids, a Kentucky slave who decided to live in freedom in 1831. Choose the correct thesis statement
? Slavery was convenient those days.
:-) The primary importance of the Underground Railroad was the on going fight to abolish slavery, the start of the civil war, and it was being one of our nation's first major anti-slavery movements.
? In the end, slaves had to find a way to blend with the people of the North so that they might live their lives free.
Beck's MusicMusic is central to my life. Without music, the world would be naked, cold, and quiet. Music can set the rhythm for a long day of work, the mood for a date, for a party, for your whole life. It can wrap you in a blanket of comfort when you are lonely, or inspire you when you are down. Music is a vehicle for expressing love, telling a story, or showing happiness. My love for music has grown immensely throughout the past few years and continues to grow without bounds. Playing musical instruments, the piano and guitar, has deepened my appreciation for the sounds I hear when I listen to music. From personal experience playing in concerts and writing my own songs, I have captured the views of both sides of music's artistic prism: creation and presentation. Creation, I have learned, can be a tremendously tedious task. It involves much more than perseverance and determination. Beck Hansen, known as Beck, is a musical genius who performs an unparalleled, funky, and melodic music style. At the age of 29, he has produced six full albums and will soon be releasing his seventh. Beck has become an inspirational icon among rising musicians and has defied the classification system of musical genres. Much disagreement has arisen over what kind of music it is that Beck performs, the resistance to classification is what makes it unique. He merges coinciding genres, psychedelic hip-hop, folk, rap, and country, to define his own genre. Beck's dynamic music adjusts to the latest musical trends and builds off of talent from past generations. a catfish feeding on the bottom of a lake, Beck's music feeds off of the styles of other successful musician, Bob Dylan and The Beastie Boys. , this does not mean that Beck is a copycat artist. It means that his music is based on a collaboration of the sounds of the world, and this makes his music very diversified. Beck is one of the most original musicians of all time, and to classify him as anything but a genius would be even more absurd than Beck himself. He is always "courting cultural disaster, and part of his genius is that he's always on the verge of making a complete ass of himself"(Rotundi). Fill in the blanks with the correct transistional expressions in the right order:
:-) such as butsuch as like such ashowever
? sowhichbecause ofas a resultconcequentlybasicaly
? even thoughhoweversuch asneverthelessbutaccording to
? soregarding tobased onas a resultat the endto sume up
Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced?The Jimi Hendrix Experience released its first album in early 1967. Popular music had been leaning towards psychedelics for a couple years already and Are You Experienced? came out at about the same time as the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Are You Experienced? far exceeded the Beatles' triumph in complexity, capturing the essence of the late 1960's culture. the newer band did not share the immediate success of the Beatles. its staying power has been testified to by several generations. The British version of Are You Experienced? contained a few subtle differences. Most prominent were the absence of "Purple Haze" and the addition of Hendrix standard "Red House". "Purple Haze" caught fire in America after the Monterey Pop Festival and became Jimi's signature song. it was said to have endless verses, Jimi generally sang only the shortened version from the album (with a few ad lib changes). The single was sent to radio stations with a note: "This song was intentionally distorted. Do not adjust." Fill in the blanks with the correct transistional expressions in the right order:
:-) NaturallyButAlthough
? butsuch aswhich
? naturallyalthougwhich
What should be the thesis statement based on...
:-) It should be based on controlling the idea of the essay.
X It should be based on giving your points of view.
? It should be based on purposing a political idea
What is the purpose on controlling idea...
? To organize your ideas.
? To develop the essy.
:-) Controll the tones and arguments in all paragraphs of the essay
What do you have to do in order to write a compare and contrast essay?
:-) You have to decide on the points of comparison you will use to compare and contrast.
? You have to follow your instincs.
? You have to write everything you know.
What's the first thing yuou should do in order to write a proper essay?
:-) The first thing you should do is to analyze the question properly and understand what is asked of you.
? The first thing you should do is write everything you know.
? The first thing you have to do, is read about the topic tha was sent to you.
What do the introduction and the Conclusion have in common?
:-) Introduction matches the conclusion in logic and attitude.
? They are both necessary
? They are both in the essay
Which are the propper ways of concluding your essay?
? Make predictions based on the material
? Restate the thesis
? Review its major ideas
:-) All of them
Imagine that the topic given to you for writing an essay is "compare and contrast your parents" What's the first thing you should do?
? You have to be subjective
? You have to ask your parents about each other.
:-) In order to write a propper essay on such a topic you have tyo analyze the question correctly and try to make an objective essay.
Yes! that's the right way.Your score is 96%.
Index =>
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is 95%.Questions answered correctly first time: 13/15
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<= 15 / 15=>
A traditionally thesis statement is...
? As long as a composition.
:-) No longer than one or possible two sentences, even if your paper is long.
wrong! try again As long as you want.
? As long as the concluding paragraph.
A subordinating conjunction is use to...
? To link equivalent sentence elements.
:-) To introduce a dependent clause and indicate the nature of the relationship amog dependent clause and the independent clause.
? To join individual words, phrases and independent clause.
? To keep coherence.
What is an essay?
:-) It is an organized collection of your ideas about an specific topic.
? It is a text about several topics.
? It is a long composition about someone's private life.
? It is a text where you can write all kind of ideas.
What is a supporting paragraph?
? It is the conclution of an essay after you have finished developing your ideas.
? It is the opening paragraph that catch the reader interest.
? It is a paragraph that contains the thesis statement.
:-) It is a pargraph that makes up the main body of the essay.
What is a thesis statement?
? It is the first sentence of each paragraph.
? It is a sentence that connect to paragraph.
? It is a sentence that gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to deal with.
:-) It is a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph, that present your argument to the reader.
What does the introductory paragraph do?
:-) It introduces the main idea of the essay.
? It summarizes the main idea of the essay.
? It helps you to develop the essay.
? It shows in a sentence the essay's purpose.
An effective paragraph should contain:
:-) Unity, coherence, a topic sentence and adequate development.
? A topic sentence and the major points.
? A thesis statement.
wrong! try again An introductory, supporting and concluding paragraph.
What does the concluding paragraph do?
? It introduces the main idea of the essay.
? It provides background information about the topic.
? It develops the main idea of the essay.
:-) It summarizes or restates the main idea of the essay.
Which transition words do you need to show cause and effect?
? First, second, third.
? Another, in addition to, related to, furthermore, also.
:-) Therefore, thus, as result of, consequently.
? However, even though, on the other hand, nevertheless.
What is an argumentative essay?
? Its is a essay that defines and classifies things or ideas into specific categories.
:-) It is an essay that attempts to persuade the reader to the writer's point of view.
? It is an essay that gives directions or intructions about how to complete a task, or how something is done.
? It is an essay that explains why or how some events happened, and what the results are.
Select the most appropiate transition word to add more information:
? On the other hand.
:-) Furthermore.
? Thus.
? First.
What is an outline?
? It is a guideline that will help you to find the purpose of the essay.
? It is a draft that contains all the ideas of the essay.
? It is a text that provides ideas.
:-) It is an organized format of your ideas.
What is a topic sentence?
? It is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the essay is going to deal with.
? It is a sentence that identifies the purpose of an essay.
? It is a sentence that declares what you believe and what you intend to prove.
:-) It is a sentence that gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to be about.
In a descriptive essay you should...
:-) Provide details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel or sounds.
? Present objections and refute them.
? Discuss the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts, places, etc.
? Separate things or ideas into specific categories and discuss each of them.
What do we use transition words for?
? We use them to separate one paragraph from another.
? We use them to link the thesis statement and final thoughts.
? We use them to put in order a paragraph.
:-) We use them to connect paragraphs and make an essay easier to read.
Correct!Your score is 95%.
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is 100%.Questions answered correctly first time: 15/15
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<= 15 / 15=>
What is the purpose of the introduction?
? The introduction lets your teacher get to know you better.
? The introduction gives details about all of the points you will make in your essay.
? The introduction restates the assignment exactly as the teacher explained it.
:-) The introduction grabs the reader's attention and sets up the topic.
What is an essay?
? It is a personal letter to a friend or to a relative.
:-) It is a short piece of writing that discusses, describes, or analyzes one topic.
? It is an informal kind of letter that people usually send to the Major to complain about the city situation.
? It is a song.
What is the thesis statement?
? It is the first sentence of the paragraph. It gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to be about.
? It's a general sentence.
? It's the title of the essay.
:-) It's a sentence that contains the main idea of the composition. It identifies the purpose of the paper.
Which of the following is a good example of the thesis statement?
:-) The death penalty should be abolished.
? The Blackfoot tribe tell of the buffalo fall in a myth about a young girl.
? The aborigines in Autralia tear the young boys from their mother to tell them the mythology of the tribe.
? The earliest evidence of anything like myths is connected with graves.
What is the purpose of the title of the essay?
? To show the author's point of view.
? It does not have any connection with the essay.
:-) To indicate what the composition is about. It makes the reader feel interested in the composition.
? To advise the reader not to read the essay.
Where do you have to write the title of the essay? How should it be written?
? In a separate page, and it has to be written as big as possible.
? At the bottom of the page. It has to be written with capital letters including prepositions and articles.
:-) It is written in the upperpart of the page and centered. It has to be written with capital letters except prepositions and articles.
? In the last page, on the left side. It has to be underlined.
What is the purpose of the conclusion?
? To leave at least one issue unresolved, so the reader can continue to think about it.
? To introduce new information.
? To restates the thesis in the exact same words.
:-) To tie together all of the main points of the essay.
Transitions help the essay's:
? Unity.
:-) Coherence.
? Citations.
? Introduction.
Where do you usually find the thesis statement?
? In the supporting paragraphs.
? At the begining of the introductory paragraph.
:-) At the end of the introductory paragraph.
? At the begining of the concluding paragraph.
How many paragraphs does an essay contains?
? Just 1.
:-) It deppends on the topic.
? More than 5 but less than 20.
? 5.
What is the purpose of a compare/contrast essay?
? To provide details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel, or sounds.
:-) To discuss the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts, places, etc.
? To explain why or how some event happened, and what resulted from the event.
? To persuade the reader to the writer's point of view.
Which transition word can you use to show cause and effect?
? Also
:-) Therefore
? In addition to
? Even though
Which of the following is not a correct function of the thesis statement?
? It states the main idea of the essay.
:-) It asks a question of the reader.
? It indicates the organization of the essay.
? It sets limits on the topic.
When do you have to set the title of the essay?
? At the same time you are writing the conclusion.
? At the same time you are writing the essay.
? Before you start writing the essay.
:-) After you finish the essay.
Which transtion word can you use to add ideas?
:-) In addition to.
? Consequently.
? Thus.
? First.
Essay Lab Activity
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is: 96%.Questions answered correctly first time: 14/15
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<= 15 / 15=>
What does the introductory essay contain?
? the thesis statement at the beginning.
:-) a short information refering to the essay and at the end the thesis stament.
? the author's suggestions.
? the main information about the essay.
what is the Topic Sentence?
:-) it's the most general statement of the paragraph.
? it's the general statement.
X it is the specific statement of the paragraph.
? it is the specific statment.
How many paragraphs can the essay have?
? one paragraph.
? Two paragraphs.
:-) it depends of the point of essay.
? 5 paragraphs.
where is located the Thesis Statement?
:-) At the end of the introductory paragraph, sometimes at the beginning.
? In the conclusion paragraph.
? At the end of the development paragragh, sometimes at the beginning.
? At the beginning of the introductory paragraph.
where does the author give you suggestions?
? In the introductory paragraph.
? At the end of the development paragragh.
? In the development paragragh.
:-) In the Concluding paragragh.
"Also, therefore, so, however, etc" are:
:-) Addition words.
? Comparative words.
? Conditions words.
? Transition words.
Put the correct puntuaction mark in the sentence: "Although Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh clear footprints"
? Although, Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh clear footprints.
? Although Barrymore, did not see any marks upon the ground, around body. Dr. Mortirmer resported, that he observed fresh clear footprints.
:-) Although Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body, Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh, clear footprints.
? Although, Barrymore did not see any marks upon the ground around body. Dr. Mortirmer resported that he observed fresh clear footprints.
Where is located the concluding comments?
? At the beginning of the concluding paragraph.
:-) After the concluding sentence of the paragragh.
? In the middle of the concluding paragragh.
? Before you start the conclusion.
This is a tittle: "Smoke is a bad habit". What kind of essay is this?
:-) Persuasive essay.
? Comparative essay.
? Narrative essay.
? Contrasting essay.
An example of Topic Sentence is:
? "Kids are bad boys"
? "The violence has cuases. it offers problems ath home. People have not time for this activity".
? "The television has violence lot"
:-) "The violence on television can affect children's emotional securitive"
"Maracay the Capital of Aragua, but Caracas is the Capital of Venezuela", it's a:
? Simple Sentence.
:-) Compound Sentence.
? Complex Sentence.
? Compund-Complex Sentence
" I don't have enough time". it's an example of:
:-) Simple Sentence.
? Compound Sentence.
? Complex Sentence.
? Compund-Complex Sentence.
An exmaple of Compound-Complex Sentence is:
? You can call me when you want.
? I`ll be there next weekend.
:-) Our job is very necessary, it is important; however, it doesn't let us stay much time at home.
? If you want you may go over there
it's a term used for writing that describes a sequence of actions:
? Definition.
:-) Process.
? Cause and Effect.
? classification.
This kind of paragragh develops a topic by explaining the meaning of a wordor a concept...
X Comparinson and Contrast.
? Process.
:-) Definition.
? Cause and Effect.
A paragraph of definition is an extended definition. it's more extensive than a dictionary denotation.Your score is: 88%.
Your score is 93%.Questions answered correctly first time: 13/15
Show questions one by one
<= 15 / 15=>
What does a thesis statement do?
? A thesis statement expresses the author’s opinion
:-) A thesis statement gives outline of what will be discussed in the essay
? A thesis statement gives the background to the essay topic
? A thesis statement explains the topic in more detail
What does an introduction usually contain?
? It gives the author’s opinion and the thesis statement
? It gives the author’s opinion, general background information
:-) It commonly gives background information and the thesis statement although; it can contain other ideas and opinions
? It can talk about anything as long as it has a thesis statement
Where do you usually find the thesis statement?
? It is always the first sentence of the introduction
? It can be in the first body paragraph
:-) It is usually the last sentence of the introduction
? It usually around the middle of the introduction
What is a topic sentence?
? A sentence which lists the examples in a paragraph
? A sentence which further explains the argument of an essay
? A sentence which gives a list of the arguments in a paragraph
:-) A sentence which gives an outline of the context of a paragraph
Which is the largest paragraph of an essay?
? The introductory paragraph
? The concluding paragraph
? All of them
:-) The developmental paragraph
How can you get continuity in the paragraph?
? Using phrasal verbs
:-) Using transition words or transition phrases
? Using questions words
? Using concluding phrases
What does a final thought contain?
? It contains the first part of the concluding paragraph
? It contains a good bye
? It contains a joke
:-) It contains suggestions from the author
What do the parts of a thesis statement consist on?
? The concluding paragraph
? The thought of the author
? The part that contains suggestions of the author
:-) The part that states the topic and the part that state the point of the essay
Can the topic of an essay be a piece of fiction?
X It can be made up by the author
? It can be copied from a newspaper
:-) It must be a real problem
? It has to be taken out from a movie
Is it easy to understand a thesis statement that has several main points of view?
:-) It can be too difficult for the reader to understand and for the writer to support.
? It is easier for the reader to understand and for the writer is difficult to support
? It is very useful in a class
? The reader understand what the author want to express
What are transition words?
? helps to create a new essay
:-) helps the paragraphs connecting to each other
? helps to conclude the essay
? helps to publish the essay
Which of these examples is a topic statement?
? the city hall investments
? the city hall investigations
:-) the city hall has to invest more money in my neighborhood in oreder to solve problems with water supply
? my neighborhood is the best place that I know since I was a child
What is an essay?
:-) It is a little composition about any topic well structured and well presented
? It is a long story about a particular topic
? It is a statemet well done with a lot of arguments
? It is a writing about the author`s life
for this limeted topic selec the item that could sever as a topic sentence. limeted topic: scuba diving
X the excitement of scuba diving
X my childhood fasination with scuba diving
? It is very interesting to experience scaba diving
:-) the spor of scuba diving has always excited me
choose the best linking word for this sentence: he studied hard four years___________he was unable to get a job
? eventually
? finally
:-) however
? perhaps
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is 96%.Questions answered correctly first time: 14/15
Show questions one by one
<= 15 / 15 =>
You have learn different ways of introducing a topic in an essay. The purpose of the introductory paragraph is...
? To catch the reader's attention
? To close with a point of view
:-) To introducing the topic, set the background for the topic of the essay and funnel down to your thesis.
? To develop the essay
A body paragraph has the following features:
:-) A Topic sentenceUnityCoherenceCohesionConcluding sentence
? Only two transistors.
? More than 5 coloms
? One complete sentence.
Select the correct type of hook used in this paragraph..."In America today, no population poses a greater threat to public safety than juvenile criminals", says Representative Bill McColum of Florida who i sthe author of a Bill already approved by the House of Representatives that would allow offenders from the age 13 on to be tried as adults in federal courts. In order to adress this increasing threat, juvenile criminals can nolonger be dealth with in the juvenile justice system. Teens who commit serious violence offenses should be tried and sentece as adults in order to protect society, to provide appropiate retribution, and to serve as a deterrent for other teenagers.
? Opening with a question
:-) Opening with a quote (exact words)
? Opening with a starling fact.
? Opening with an emotional or interesting story.
? Opening with a striking image (description)
Select the correct type of hook used in this paragraph...One afternoon, Megan Kanka,a little girl of 7 was riding her bicycle outside her home, when a neighbor asked her if she wanted to meet his new puppy. He then took her into his home, raped her and strangled her with his belt. The man a twice convicted-sex-offender called Jesse Tenmedequas,was sentenced to death in 1997. for gruesome murders like this, death penalty in the only appropiate punishment. Society should continue to apply the ultimate punishment to deal with the most henious crimes.
? Opening with a question
? Opening with a quote (exact words)º
? Opening with a starling fact
:-) Opening with an interesting or emotional story.
? Opening with a striking image (description)
Thesis StatementBlack Soldiers in the Civil WarDuring the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and part of theNineteenth Century the White people of North America used theBlack people of Africa as slaves to benefit their interests. Whitepeople created a climate of superiority of their race over the BlackAfrican race that in some places, still lingers on today. TheAmerican Civil War however, was a key turning point for theBlack African race. Choose the apropiate thesis statement:
:-) Through their actions and the political actionsof President Lincoln and his administration, Black Africans set apresedent for their freedom, equality and liberation.
? This was the official beginning in the progression of the BlackMan to becoming a soldier in the Civil War.
? This alone played a huge factor in thesuccess of the Union Armies.
Slavery and the Underground RailroadI know you're wondering, what railroad? Well the simple fact is that everybody has heard of the Underground Railroad, but not everyone knows just what it was. Firstly, it wasn't underground, and it wasn't even a railroad. The term "Underground Railroad" actually comes from a runaway slave, who while being chased swam across a creek and was out of the owner's sight. The owner said "...must have gone off on an underground railroad." That man was Tice Davids, a Kentucky slave who decided to live in freedom in 1831. Choose the correct thesis statement
? Slavery was convenient those days.
:-) The primary importance of the Underground Railroad was the on going fight to abolish slavery, the start of the civil war, and it was being one of our nation's first major anti-slavery movements.
? In the end, slaves had to find a way to blend with the people of the North so that they might live their lives free.
Beck's MusicMusic is central to my life. Without music, the world would be naked, cold, and quiet. Music can set the rhythm for a long day of work, the mood for a date, for a party, for your whole life. It can wrap you in a blanket of comfort when you are lonely, or inspire you when you are down. Music is a vehicle for expressing love, telling a story, or showing happiness. My love for music has grown immensely throughout the past few years and continues to grow without bounds. Playing musical instruments, the piano and guitar, has deepened my appreciation for the sounds I hear when I listen to music. From personal experience playing in concerts and writing my own songs, I have captured the views of both sides of music's artistic prism: creation and presentation. Creation, I have learned, can be a tremendously tedious task. It involves much more than perseverance and determination. Beck Hansen, known as Beck, is a musical genius who performs an unparalleled, funky, and melodic music style. At the age of 29, he has produced six full albums and will soon be releasing his seventh. Beck has become an inspirational icon among rising musicians and has defied the classification system of musical genres. Much disagreement has arisen over what kind of music it is that Beck performs, the resistance to classification is what makes it unique. He merges coinciding genres, psychedelic hip-hop, folk, rap, and country, to define his own genre. Beck's dynamic music adjusts to the latest musical trends and builds off of talent from past generations. a catfish feeding on the bottom of a lake, Beck's music feeds off of the styles of other successful musician, Bob Dylan and The Beastie Boys. , this does not mean that Beck is a copycat artist. It means that his music is based on a collaboration of the sounds of the world, and this makes his music very diversified. Beck is one of the most original musicians of all time, and to classify him as anything but a genius would be even more absurd than Beck himself. He is always "courting cultural disaster, and part of his genius is that he's always on the verge of making a complete ass of himself"(Rotundi). Fill in the blanks with the correct transistional expressions in the right order:
:-) such as butsuch as like such ashowever
? sowhichbecause ofas a resultconcequentlybasicaly
? even thoughhoweversuch asneverthelessbutaccording to
? soregarding tobased onas a resultat the endto sume up
Jimi Hendrix: Are You Experienced?The Jimi Hendrix Experience released its first album in early 1967. Popular music had been leaning towards psychedelics for a couple years already and Are You Experienced? came out at about the same time as the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Are You Experienced? far exceeded the Beatles' triumph in complexity, capturing the essence of the late 1960's culture. the newer band did not share the immediate success of the Beatles. its staying power has been testified to by several generations. The British version of Are You Experienced? contained a few subtle differences. Most prominent were the absence of "Purple Haze" and the addition of Hendrix standard "Red House". "Purple Haze" caught fire in America after the Monterey Pop Festival and became Jimi's signature song. it was said to have endless verses, Jimi generally sang only the shortened version from the album (with a few ad lib changes). The single was sent to radio stations with a note: "This song was intentionally distorted. Do not adjust." Fill in the blanks with the correct transistional expressions in the right order:
:-) NaturallyButAlthough
? butsuch aswhich
? naturallyalthougwhich
What should be the thesis statement based on...
:-) It should be based on controlling the idea of the essay.
X It should be based on giving your points of view.
? It should be based on purposing a political idea
What is the purpose on controlling idea...
? To organize your ideas.
? To develop the essy.
:-) Controll the tones and arguments in all paragraphs of the essay
What do you have to do in order to write a compare and contrast essay?
:-) You have to decide on the points of comparison you will use to compare and contrast.
? You have to follow your instincs.
? You have to write everything you know.
What's the first thing yuou should do in order to write a proper essay?
:-) The first thing you should do is to analyze the question properly and understand what is asked of you.
? The first thing you should do is write everything you know.
? The first thing you have to do, is read about the topic tha was sent to you.
What do the introduction and the Conclusion have in common?
:-) Introduction matches the conclusion in logic and attitude.
? They are both necessary
? They are both in the essay
Which are the propper ways of concluding your essay?
? Make predictions based on the material
? Restate the thesis
? Review its major ideas
:-) All of them
Imagine that the topic given to you for writing an essay is "compare and contrast your parents" What's the first thing you should do?
? You have to be subjective
? You have to ask your parents about each other.
:-) In order to write a propper essay on such a topic you have tyo analyze the question correctly and try to make an objective essay.
Yes! that's the right way.Your score is 96%.
Index =>
Essay Lab Activity
Your score is 95%.Questions answered correctly first time: 13/15
Show questions one by one
<= 15 / 15=>
A traditionally thesis statement is...
? As long as a composition.
:-) No longer than one or possible two sentences, even if your paper is long.
wrong! try again As long as you want.
? As long as the concluding paragraph.
A subordinating conjunction is use to...
? To link equivalent sentence elements.
:-) To introduce a dependent clause and indicate the nature of the relationship amog dependent clause and the independent clause.
? To join individual words, phrases and independent clause.
? To keep coherence.
What is an essay?
:-) It is an organized collection of your ideas about an specific topic.
? It is a text about several topics.
? It is a long composition about someone's private life.
? It is a text where you can write all kind of ideas.
What is a supporting paragraph?
? It is the conclution of an essay after you have finished developing your ideas.
? It is the opening paragraph that catch the reader interest.
? It is a paragraph that contains the thesis statement.
:-) It is a pargraph that makes up the main body of the essay.
What is a thesis statement?
? It is the first sentence of each paragraph.
? It is a sentence that connect to paragraph.
? It is a sentence that gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to deal with.
:-) It is a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph, that present your argument to the reader.
What does the introductory paragraph do?
:-) It introduces the main idea of the essay.
? It summarizes the main idea of the essay.
? It helps you to develop the essay.
? It shows in a sentence the essay's purpose.
An effective paragraph should contain:
:-) Unity, coherence, a topic sentence and adequate development.
? A topic sentence and the major points.
? A thesis statement.
wrong! try again An introductory, supporting and concluding paragraph.
What does the concluding paragraph do?
? It introduces the main idea of the essay.
? It provides background information about the topic.
? It develops the main idea of the essay.
:-) It summarizes or restates the main idea of the essay.
Which transition words do you need to show cause and effect?
? First, second, third.
? Another, in addition to, related to, furthermore, also.
:-) Therefore, thus, as result of, consequently.
? However, even though, on the other hand, nevertheless.
What is an argumentative essay?
? Its is a essay that defines and classifies things or ideas into specific categories.
:-) It is an essay that attempts to persuade the reader to the writer's point of view.
? It is an essay that gives directions or intructions about how to complete a task, or how something is done.
? It is an essay that explains why or how some events happened, and what the results are.
Select the most appropiate transition word to add more information:
? On the other hand.
:-) Furthermore.
? Thus.
? First.
What is an outline?
? It is a guideline that will help you to find the purpose of the essay.
? It is a draft that contains all the ideas of the essay.
? It is a text that provides ideas.
:-) It is an organized format of your ideas.
What is a topic sentence?
? It is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the essay is going to deal with.
? It is a sentence that identifies the purpose of an essay.
? It is a sentence that declares what you believe and what you intend to prove.
:-) It is a sentence that gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to be about.
In a descriptive essay you should...
:-) Provide details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel or sounds.
? Present objections and refute them.
? Discuss the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts, places, etc.
? Separate things or ideas into specific categories and discuss each of them.
What do we use transition words for?
? We use them to separate one paragraph from another.
? We use them to link the thesis statement and final thoughts.
? We use them to put in order a paragraph.
:-) We use them to connect paragraphs and make an essay easier to read.
Correct!Your score is 95%.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Answers to the blog exercises
Thesis "b" is the best working thesis. It identifies specific causes of anorexia nervosa and indicates the grouping and order in which the causes will be discussed in the research paper.
Thesis "c" is the best thesis.Thesis "c" provides more focus than thesis "b" by identifying the particular areas of business practice to be researched.
Thesis "b" is the best thesis.
Thesis "b" focuses its thought on two types of dilemma raised by the appearance of Hamlet's father's ghost. You could use evidence from the play as well as evidence from critics' interpretations of the play in order to support this stance.
Thesis sentences "a," "b," and "c" are all potentially usable as working theses for a research paper. Thesis "b" is an example of a working thesis for an ANALYTICAL research paper while thesis "c" is an example of a working thesis for an ARGUMENTATIVE research paper. Both "b" and "c" are researchable and, once you started to research, you'd probably find ways of defining the phrase "substantially helped." Yet the best thesis is thesis "a," since it already does specify the ways in which the whole language approach has helped elementary school children to read. Thesis "a" functions better as a working thesis, since it focuses the search in what might be a very broad field of benefits.
Thesis "a" is the best thesis since it is the most focused and specific. Thesis "a" focuses the argument on the hospital as an oligopoly (a certain type of economic structure). It also implies that the writer will explain how changed policy has influenced hospital economics.
Exercise 6
1. Small business enterprises in China's northern regions. narrowed topic
2. Cotton is a subtropical plant that has many uses. or report thesis statement
3. Although many medical students study in foreign countries, it is better to do medical training in one's own country. argumentative thesis statement
4. Despite the fact that most people believe that the Knights Templars Order disappeared after its trial, there is some evidence that the Order was maintained and became the current Masonic Order. argumentative thesis statement
5. Use of an EKG recorded during twenty-four hours in the diagnosis, evaluation, and rehabilitation of patients with arrhythmias. narrowed topic
6. Languages of the world. a general Topic
7. Because Italy is in danger of losing an important part of its cultural tradition -- opera, the Italian government should step in and try to make it more accessible to the public and encourage new talent. argumentative thesis statement
8. The piano as a keyboard instrument. a general Topic
9. Keyboard instruments are of many types. report thesis statement
10. Schools need to train students to play keyboard instruments because it builds hand-eye coordination, as well as developing a love for music. argumentative thesis statement
1. Which of the following is a general topic?
The internet in Japan
2. Which of the following is a narrowed topic?
Soaking one's body in a hot tub as a way of improving health and composure
3. Which of the following is an argumentative thesis statement?
Artificial Intelligence researchers should not try to make computers think like people but should instead try to develop computers that will have special applications only
4. Which of the following is a report thesis statement?
The market for vending machines is so competitive that we can see a variety of them everywhere
5. Which of the following is a general topic?
Issues in city planning
6. Which of the following is a narrowed topic?
The cost of maintaining the United Nations buildings in New York.
7. Which of the following is an argumentative thesis statement?
Soy beans should be cultivated more widely.
8. Which of the following is a report thesis statement?
Three ways of controlling the spread of disease are to be described.
The Right to Die
In the debate regarding assisted suicide, there are those who believe that a person is alive as long as she continues to breathe. They say that death must remain a natural occurrence, and not something to be caused or facilitated by human interference. However, the example of Karen Quinlan, a woman declared permanently comatose in hospital, brings to light the common sense in the use of assisted suicide. Although Karen Quinlan continued to breathe for nine years, Karen died to her family and friends when she became comatose. There is no justification to maintain that the simple act of breathing qualifies as life. Keeping utterly debilitated patients alive with the help of medication and technology simply perpetuates the suffering of the patient and her loved ones. It serves no better purpose than imposing a financial burden on the patient's family and draining the limited resources of society.
for these reasons,the patient's family should be allowed to take the choise for their love ones
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
People believe they know the difference between illegal and legal drugs. The popular belief is that illegal drugs cause severe health problems and induce criminal behavior, whereas legal drugs do not pose serious problems to the user and to society. But is this always true? Many popular legal drugs, if they are taken in toxic doses, can cause serious health problems, even death. On the other hand, certain illegal drugs—such as marijuana—do not cause such serious problems and have significant therapeutic benefits. Yet, marijuana still remains illegal. So, perhaps the assumption that all legal drugs are good and all illegal drugs are bad is incorrect since the decision to categorize drugs as legal or illegal has been an arbitrary one. Marijuana is one substance that has been mistakenly classified as an illegal drug for too long. It is less harmful than such legal drugs as tobacco and alcohol, offers medicinal benefits, and its legalization would offer significant economic benefits to society.
Therefore Marijuana should Be Legalizad
In Support of the Death Penalty
One afternoon in 1994, Megan Kanka, a little girl of 7, was riding her bicycle outside her home in New Jersey when a neighbor asked her if she wanted to see his new puppy. He then took her into his home, raped her, and strangled her with a belt. The man, a twice-convicted sex-offender called Jesse Timmendequas, was sentenced to death in 1997. For gruesome murders like this, the death penalty is the only appropriate punishment. Justice is only served when the death penalty is given to a criminal who has cruelly taken the life of another person. Besides, by executing those who murder innocent victims in cold blood, society can prevent future murders. Also, the possibility of executing the innocent by mistake is dramatically reduced by the appeals system that is in place today for defendants in death penalty cases as well as the availability of advanced forensic technology and DNA analysis.
Therefore, death penalty is the best solution to stop criminals
Don't Try Teenagers in Adult Courts!
Have you ever done anything risky, dangerous or even illegal? Most of us have probably done at least one thing in our lives - most likely during our teenage years - that bordered on the edge of legality. As teenagers, we probably did not consider the long-term consequences of our actions; we were just out trying to have a good time, to be accepted by our peers. Imagine, for example, that after attending a party and being only "mildly intoxicated," you decide to drive home. While driving, you fall asleep and accidentally kill another driver. If caught, tried and sentenced as an adult - as many today believe is appropriate - you might end up spending many years in prison, exposed to dangerous, hardened criminals three times your age. This one poor decision, and all your hopes and plans for a productive and meaningful life are wasted! How many young lives need to be destroyed before society realizes that sentencing teenagers as adults is inappropriate and excessive in a just society? Teenagers do not have the same intellectual or emotional capabilities as adults. Furthermore, serving sentences in adult prisons is dangerous both to society and the young offender. Finally, the juvenile justice system is the appropriate place to try juvenile offenders.
therefore we shouldn`t Try Teenagers in Adult Courts
The Myth of Equal Opportunities
America is hailed as a land of equal opportunities. Founded on the principle that "all men are created equal," it is regarded by many as a country where a person is not discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or religious conviction. However, a look at the history of the U.S. over the centuries and a closer look at the state of minorities in the present day America reveal quite a different picture. Despite the various struggles fought and the many victories won to do away with discrimination and to create an even playing field where individuals can utilize their potential, opportunities are still not equally available to all members of American society. Women are paid less than men for the same work, and they are obviously underrepresented in government. Blacks and Hispanics make up a small percentage of the workforce in top positions but a large percentage of those who live in poverty. The poor members of society, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity, confront a world of hardships and limited opportunities to improve their lives.
for these reasons, some people belivethat america is not the land of opportunities
Thesis "b" is the best working thesis. It identifies specific causes of anorexia nervosa and indicates the grouping and order in which the causes will be discussed in the research paper.
Thesis "c" is the best thesis.Thesis "c" provides more focus than thesis "b" by identifying the particular areas of business practice to be researched.
Thesis "b" is the best thesis.
Thesis "b" focuses its thought on two types of dilemma raised by the appearance of Hamlet's father's ghost. You could use evidence from the play as well as evidence from critics' interpretations of the play in order to support this stance.
Thesis sentences "a," "b," and "c" are all potentially usable as working theses for a research paper. Thesis "b" is an example of a working thesis for an ANALYTICAL research paper while thesis "c" is an example of a working thesis for an ARGUMENTATIVE research paper. Both "b" and "c" are researchable and, once you started to research, you'd probably find ways of defining the phrase "substantially helped." Yet the best thesis is thesis "a," since it already does specify the ways in which the whole language approach has helped elementary school children to read. Thesis "a" functions better as a working thesis, since it focuses the search in what might be a very broad field of benefits.
Thesis "a" is the best thesis since it is the most focused and specific. Thesis "a" focuses the argument on the hospital as an oligopoly (a certain type of economic structure). It also implies that the writer will explain how changed policy has influenced hospital economics.
Exercise 6
1. Small business enterprises in China's northern regions. narrowed topic
2. Cotton is a subtropical plant that has many uses. or report thesis statement
3. Although many medical students study in foreign countries, it is better to do medical training in one's own country. argumentative thesis statement
4. Despite the fact that most people believe that the Knights Templars Order disappeared after its trial, there is some evidence that the Order was maintained and became the current Masonic Order. argumentative thesis statement
5. Use of an EKG recorded during twenty-four hours in the diagnosis, evaluation, and rehabilitation of patients with arrhythmias. narrowed topic
6. Languages of the world. a general Topic
7. Because Italy is in danger of losing an important part of its cultural tradition -- opera, the Italian government should step in and try to make it more accessible to the public and encourage new talent. argumentative thesis statement
8. The piano as a keyboard instrument. a general Topic
9. Keyboard instruments are of many types. report thesis statement
10. Schools need to train students to play keyboard instruments because it builds hand-eye coordination, as well as developing a love for music. argumentative thesis statement
1. Which of the following is a general topic?
The internet in Japan
2. Which of the following is a narrowed topic?
Soaking one's body in a hot tub as a way of improving health and composure
3. Which of the following is an argumentative thesis statement?
Artificial Intelligence researchers should not try to make computers think like people but should instead try to develop computers that will have special applications only
4. Which of the following is a report thesis statement?
The market for vending machines is so competitive that we can see a variety of them everywhere
5. Which of the following is a general topic?
Issues in city planning
6. Which of the following is a narrowed topic?
The cost of maintaining the United Nations buildings in New York.
7. Which of the following is an argumentative thesis statement?
Soy beans should be cultivated more widely.
8. Which of the following is a report thesis statement?
Three ways of controlling the spread of disease are to be described.
The Right to Die
In the debate regarding assisted suicide, there are those who believe that a person is alive as long as she continues to breathe. They say that death must remain a natural occurrence, and not something to be caused or facilitated by human interference. However, the example of Karen Quinlan, a woman declared permanently comatose in hospital, brings to light the common sense in the use of assisted suicide. Although Karen Quinlan continued to breathe for nine years, Karen died to her family and friends when she became comatose. There is no justification to maintain that the simple act of breathing qualifies as life. Keeping utterly debilitated patients alive with the help of medication and technology simply perpetuates the suffering of the patient and her loved ones. It serves no better purpose than imposing a financial burden on the patient's family and draining the limited resources of society.
for these reasons,the patient's family should be allowed to take the choise for their love ones
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
People believe they know the difference between illegal and legal drugs. The popular belief is that illegal drugs cause severe health problems and induce criminal behavior, whereas legal drugs do not pose serious problems to the user and to society. But is this always true? Many popular legal drugs, if they are taken in toxic doses, can cause serious health problems, even death. On the other hand, certain illegal drugs—such as marijuana—do not cause such serious problems and have significant therapeutic benefits. Yet, marijuana still remains illegal. So, perhaps the assumption that all legal drugs are good and all illegal drugs are bad is incorrect since the decision to categorize drugs as legal or illegal has been an arbitrary one. Marijuana is one substance that has been mistakenly classified as an illegal drug for too long. It is less harmful than such legal drugs as tobacco and alcohol, offers medicinal benefits, and its legalization would offer significant economic benefits to society.
Therefore Marijuana should Be Legalizad
In Support of the Death Penalty
One afternoon in 1994, Megan Kanka, a little girl of 7, was riding her bicycle outside her home in New Jersey when a neighbor asked her if she wanted to see his new puppy. He then took her into his home, raped her, and strangled her with a belt. The man, a twice-convicted sex-offender called Jesse Timmendequas, was sentenced to death in 1997. For gruesome murders like this, the death penalty is the only appropriate punishment. Justice is only served when the death penalty is given to a criminal who has cruelly taken the life of another person. Besides, by executing those who murder innocent victims in cold blood, society can prevent future murders. Also, the possibility of executing the innocent by mistake is dramatically reduced by the appeals system that is in place today for defendants in death penalty cases as well as the availability of advanced forensic technology and DNA analysis.
Therefore, death penalty is the best solution to stop criminals
Don't Try Teenagers in Adult Courts!
Have you ever done anything risky, dangerous or even illegal? Most of us have probably done at least one thing in our lives - most likely during our teenage years - that bordered on the edge of legality. As teenagers, we probably did not consider the long-term consequences of our actions; we were just out trying to have a good time, to be accepted by our peers. Imagine, for example, that after attending a party and being only "mildly intoxicated," you decide to drive home. While driving, you fall asleep and accidentally kill another driver. If caught, tried and sentenced as an adult - as many today believe is appropriate - you might end up spending many years in prison, exposed to dangerous, hardened criminals three times your age. This one poor decision, and all your hopes and plans for a productive and meaningful life are wasted! How many young lives need to be destroyed before society realizes that sentencing teenagers as adults is inappropriate and excessive in a just society? Teenagers do not have the same intellectual or emotional capabilities as adults. Furthermore, serving sentences in adult prisons is dangerous both to society and the young offender. Finally, the juvenile justice system is the appropriate place to try juvenile offenders.
therefore we shouldn`t Try Teenagers in Adult Courts
The Myth of Equal Opportunities
America is hailed as a land of equal opportunities. Founded on the principle that "all men are created equal," it is regarded by many as a country where a person is not discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or religious conviction. However, a look at the history of the U.S. over the centuries and a closer look at the state of minorities in the present day America reveal quite a different picture. Despite the various struggles fought and the many victories won to do away with discrimination and to create an even playing field where individuals can utilize their potential, opportunities are still not equally available to all members of American society. Women are paid less than men for the same work, and they are obviously underrepresented in government. Blacks and Hispanics make up a small percentage of the workforce in top positions but a large percentage of those who live in poverty. The poor members of society, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity, confront a world of hardships and limited opportunities to improve their lives.
for these reasons, some people belivethat america is not the land of opportunities
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