Thursday, January 11, 2007

What is the origin of sexual instincts?. Does it have a chemical explanation?. Are feelings involved? or is it just about hormones?.
Acording to several studies the root of emotions, including sexual instincts, is about hormones. This hormones affect the primitive brain or the hipotalam.
And what about love?.
When it comes to love so much has been said about it, but again studies reveal that it is basically a rush of dopamine and serotoninel that directs a trigger to the brain causing the sensation of feeling in love and with that also comes sexual desire. Although is not necessary to feel in love in order to want to have sex, it has more to do with reproductoty instincts which are seen on animals as well.
The purpose of this essay is to define what are all the other hormones that provoque reactions and what are these reactions.
Carmen Quintana
Israel Alvarez
Andi Arias
Magella Caraballo

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